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Predictions. 1972   

Two elliptical electric train tracks with engines, controller, ellipsoidal lamp,  soundtrack, tape player, external speakers. 

"The track section spotted in red light is a surrogate for an existing track located between Syosset and Huntington at the Amott signal on the Long island Railroad. This section was concentrated upon until I could easily produce a mental picture of it. This image was then mentally superimposed onto the surrogate track during the recording of the collision date. The model trains pass this zone at the rate of approximately 5000 R.P.M.’s per day (250 times as frequent as the L.I.R.R.’s daily crossings). The installation will be activated at every opportunity, for as long a period as possible during this exhibition and at subsequent exhibitions, until 11:22 P.M. June 10th 1988."

Soundtrack, repeat loop:  June 10,  1988.

© Dennis Oppenheim Estate. All image and text rights reserved. Some photographs may be under copyright by the photographer.
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